Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

As one who attended much of the "funding secured" trial in San Francisco, I was generally impressed with both past and present members of the Tesla board, who comported themselves well regarding their roles...

The lead plaintiff, an options trader, seemed so certain about the veracity of EM's initial tweet (but ignoring the contingencies associated with the word "considering") that he was sure that Elon could get the BOD to "rubber stamp" what he wanted.

But that's not how Tesla's board works! I.e., when the BOD received the $420 offer a full 5 days before the infamous tweet, they had to immediately swing into action independently because Elon was a counterparty at that point, serving as a bidder. There were some fast and furious meetings with Musk not present, nor invited, as they hashed out their fiduciary duty.

For those interested in some insightful public documents (BOD meeting notes are rarely made public except in lawsuits), check out this folder of info admitted into evidence:


My favorite item is the email from investor Ron Baron pleading with Elon to tone it down with the Tweets, and other strategies on how to deal with Tesla's enemies:


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Thank you so much for this valuable information. I will repost this on Twitter to get it to a bigger audience. Very grateful.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

I confess to being the one (now named 'loquitur' there) on Twitter who posted the single link about Ron Baron's email from the trial court archives. You are certainly correct that Twitter has a greater "reach". I am a nonentity there, but I also go by "loquitur" on the TMC (Tesla Motor Club) investment fora, where I submitted other courthouse "trip reports."

This is now the right place to confess that going to the federal trial gave me new respect for Mr. Musk. You see, I am a (prototypical?) San Francisco-based progressive (even socialist, about many things) who drives a wonderful Tesla. So when Elon went in the direction of the GOP (these political troglodytes being anti- climate change activism, anti-vaxx, and anti- many things) I was horrified. But maybe it is all an act to get Texans to take up driving Cybertrucks, looking like armored personnel carriers outfitted with gunracks (yuck!), for all I know.

As a long-time TSLA shareholder, I was displeased to see his juvenile public displays, so I really related when I saw Ron Baron's sage advice.

So, why the new respect, then? Well, via personal observation, EM is not the aggressive, inconsiderate demon that the media makes him out to be. At trial, he was very soft-spoken and thoughtful. I just have to separate out my leftward (often street-demonstrating) activist politics and my respect for Tesla's mission from EM's personality.

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Love this, and thank you for sharing this all with us.

Yes, let's all give each other some slack, life is good, we got much more in common than what separates us, and need to do so much more for the greater good.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thanks for the research Alexandra. Nice use of chat gpt. I am hoping we get invites to investor day. I haven’t heard any more than you. Brian White and I are planning to go to tx anyway. Should be a fun tourist trip including side trip to Brownsville. Brian planning another unsanctioned group get together around investor day. Should be fun.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thank you Alexandra, this is exactly what I would imagine you writing. Very nice to get a feel for the talented and snappy folks caring for our investment. I can hear your cool accent as I read and makes it all the better. Also enjoy your youtoob appearances except when Ross is on, he talks so much without saying a thing! and he interrupts you, very rude, his poor wife!!

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama


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Jan 29, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thanks for showing the quality of the board of directors.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thank you for writing such detailed unbiased research on the Tesla BOD. Elon should hire you as his top executive. You are a very valuable contributor to Tesla retail investors. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thank you; very informative and well researched!

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Useful, concise information from Alexandra (as always) ably assisted by ChatGPT, thank you. Has Ross read this..... I think he should :)

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Unbelievable- You are everything people have said about you. What a stellar report. Your wisdom and commentary on the ytubes I have been able to digest is priceless. Thanks for all you do.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thanks for your great work. 👍

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Outstanding deep dive! Much appreciated (long term investor here).👊🏿

Serves as well to drown out the negative BOD transitory sentiment.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Chapeau Mme!! Great job!

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Well done and interesting article, thanks! You proved that ChatGPT is a great tool…

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Important and detailed review succinctly presented . Thank you.

Only statement I found somewhat befuddling was

"Mizuno will be reelected with the promise to step up the defense of Tesla’s ESG accomplishments".

Tesla needs more recognition of its accomplishments, not so much defense. Hair splitting, you say, but it is not. I found Exxon ahead of Tesla in that review particularly troubling. Dr. P .K. Poddar, Living Canvas @tweetpkp

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I made a video on the farce of S&P eliminating Tesla from their ESG ratings, here the link: https://youtu.be/wwvEwH1WGNY

Exxon is there not in replacement of Tesla, but because of its market cap. Hair splitting again, lol.

Yes, I insist, Tesla needs to be publicly or at least with this ESG mob defended, so that the new worldwide reporting rules they want to put in place treat Tesla fairly.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

$TSLA Community should be proud and grateful, I know I am, for your tireless efforts to inform with fair balance of optimism for the future and realism of recognition of present challenges.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Thanks, great work and very informative.

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Glad you enjoyed it.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by AlexandraMerz @TeslaBoomerMama

Awesome! You are one clever gal and a pleasure to listen to on Twitter spaces.

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Thank you 😊

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